Main Applicant’s Criteria   

  • Nationality: Lebanese

  • Minimum age: 21 years old

  • Maximum age: 69 years old

  • Living and working in Lebanon

  • No minimum salary required

  • No minimum time required for present employment

  • No guarantee required

Required Documentation

  • Copy of the ID or passport

  • Proof of residence: rent contract, electricity or phone bill

  • Proof of income

  • For employees: new salary certificate stamped only by the company or pay slip or statement of account for the last 3 months (salary domiciliation)

  • For self-employed : statement of account for the last 3 months

  • For housewives: statement of account for the last 3 months

The Terms of a Credit Facility Agreement


Opening Structure

A credit facility agreement is the written contract drawn up between a corporate borrower and a lender, and is drawn up according to very specific structural guidelines. This agreements encompasses all of provisions of the credit facility, including the borrower’s responsibilities, loan warranties, lending amounts, interest rates, loan duration, default penalties, and repayment terms and conditions.


Credit facility contracts open with the basic contact information for each of the parties involved in the loan, followed by a summary and definition of the credit facility itself. This includes a brief discussion of the origination of the facility, the purpose of the loan, and the ways in which its funds will be distributed. Also included here are any specific precedents on which the facility itself rests, such as statements of collateral for secured loans, or particular borrower responsibilities (such as the issuance of regular reports to the lender pertaining to the use of loan funds).

Repayment Terms

Following description of the general loan provisions, the terms of interest payments, repayments and loan maturity are laid out. These include the interest rates, as well as either the set date for repayment (as in the case of a term loan) or the minimum payment amount and recurring payment dates in the case of a revolving loan. The agreement should stipulate whether or not interest rates are subject to change, and should also specify the date upon which the loan will mature, if applicable.